Thursday, July 6, 2017

Next New

I have two ideas for the future New Media. First one would work as a regular social media, but without real people, but instead there would different robots that can participate in specific subjects. They would be programmed to discuss politics, sports, TV shows, books, music etc. As a result, any user can add the desired robot to friends list and ask him questions, debate or simply talk about the subject in which this robot is specialized. It would be very convenient since robots will have broad knowledge in their specialization and unlike people will be available anytime. Robot’s intellect will be constantly developing by the contributions of its users in the way it happens in a Wiki, where anybody will be able to "teach" him something. 
Second idea of a future new media will be a platform with the news and articles that will be written in informal somewhat "urban and hiphop" way. The generation of young people develops new way of speaking, which becomes more popular and even Oxford English Dictionary has already added such words as "dope" "bling" and "stan". For that reason, in the near future, English language will change, as any language changes over time and even now English is not the same as it was 50 years ago. So that, at first this informal new media platform will represent a fun way to read about current events, but most likely such language will become popular and more commonly used. Finally, this platform will make a revolution in information production changing vocabulary and rules of the language in New Media.

Monday, June 19, 2017

We live in Information Age, where any information can be accessed just by a click of a button. There is no more need in visiting a library or finding banned books, all the material lies on a surface of the endless expanses of the internet where any person can read, share and discuss everything one desires. Such a great opportunity has never occurred in human history before, and it seems that now everybody can become highly self-educated. Unfortunately, new social media as a whole and Facebook in particular, is an insurmountable obstacle against achieving this goal,; because Facebook contains tons of inaccurate information. This fact was predicted in 1932, by a British writer Aldous Huxley. In his book "Brave new world" he states that our modern world will be drowned in the sea of irrelevance. In my work, I plan to prove Huxley's point by discussing the reason why Facebook misapply function of the information by providing immaterial, usually false information. I will validate information provided in Facebook and demonstrate its response. Also, I will present statics of people’s activities in Facebook. After gathering all necessary material, I will make my own conclusions of effects and impact Facebook creates to its users.